Friday, October 6, 2017

Gameday Meatballs

I have had this little gem in my back pocket for awhile, and in honor of Monday Night Football, I have decided to release it to the public. Now I have to give up my secret and own up to some white lies. After making this recipe, I have heard "Wow, these are so good, it must have taken you forever," and "OMG, is this a family recipe?!" I have answered yes to these questions and ones like them, and every single time it has been a lie. No these do not take me forever, and no, it is not a secret family recipe. This is actually a recipe I came up with the thought of "I really don't want to make anything for that party tonight." This recipe's ingredients are so simple and generic that you most likely won't have to go to the store and get anything, and you won't have to spend more than 10 minutes!

Start with taking the frozen meatballs and placing them at the bottom of the crockpot. Add the cans of tomato sauce, and fill one can less than 1/4 with water. Swirl the water around, catching the tomato sauce stuck on the side of the can and transfer the mixture to the second can. Repeat until all the sauce stuck on the side of the can is now in the water. One thing to note about the tomato sauce, is I never do this the same way twice. Sometimes I only have one can of sauce, sometimes, I have a can of sauce and fire roasted diced. I just use whatever is in my pantry. However, if you use a sauce that already has seasonings, or flavor to it, you might want to tone down the seasons.

Meatballs in slow cooker with seasoning
Next add the seasonings and stir everything together. Once the sauce is evenly mixed in with the meatballs, cover and set for four hours. That is that easy, and I normally even keep it the crockpot on warm while serving.

ingredients for making meatballs

2 - 3 pounds of meatballs
2 15oz cans of sauce
1 tbsp. oregano
1/2 tbsp. red pepper
1/2 tbsp. garlic powder
1 bay leaf

Finished gameday meatballs

Start with taking the frozen meatballs and placing them at the bottom of the crockpot. Add the cans of tomato sauce, and fill one can less than 1/4 with water. Swirl the water around, catching the tomato sauce stuck on the side of the can and transfer the mixture to the second can. Repeat until all the sauce stuck on the side of the can is now in the water. Next add the seasonings and stir everything together. Once the sauce is evenly mixed in with the meatballs, cover and set for four hours.

Gameday Meatballs


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